How to Find Hot Markets For Buying Real Estate Investment Properties in Nigeria


Good Real Estate Investment

Investing in real estate is not a new path to financial success. It is a well worn path and it is so well worn because it is such an effective way to make a great deal of money in a relatively short period of time. But you have to be a forward thinker to make any serious money in the buying and selling of real estate. 

 The objective is to buy low and sell high and that means that you have to make a guess (an EDUCATED guess) as to what is GOING to happen tomorrow or next week or next year or ten years from now and not base your decisions on what happened yesterday, or last week, or last year or ten years ago.

Think about the neighborhood that you grew up in. Your mom and dad bought the house when the subdivision was new. It isn't new anymore. It isn't on its way UP. It is on its way DOWN.

The residents and the buildings are all beginning to show their age. That is the nature of real estate. What goes up will eventually go down. You always want to buy when the area is on the rise and not when it is in decline. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule but there aren't many. 

In short; you need to find the hot markets when buying investment property and in a nutshell the hot market is where the people are GOING. Determining where people are going is the trick. 

Buying in an area that is already popular can be a hot market providing you can make a good deal on the property but finding out about upcoming changes in the infrastructure can lead you to where people will be going in the future.

Infrastructure changes are such things as major highway construction, marinas or entertainment facilities. Basically, you base your real estate market investments upon the cold hard facts and not what you hope will happen or what your barber tells you. 

Right now isn't a great time to invest in real estate in the USA but there are hot properties overseas that you can take full advantage of while you wait for the US real estate market to recover. Costa Rica is a good example.


Right now is a great time to invest in Real estate in Nigeria, because Nigerians are now waking up to the reality of the enormous riches that it accords. Many are now self made billionaires in Nigeria just because they choose the real estate path. 

Ibeju Lekki in Lagos, Nigeria, is fast becoming a place of massive attraction to the world, and investors are trooping in already, due to the establishment of the dangote refinery, the free trade zone, eleko Beach etc. It is a hugely popular vacation destination and beach front property has been on the rise recently. 

Take a look at this Adronhomes Rehoboth Park and Gardens phase 2 in Ibeju-Lekki. 


Adron Homes Rehoboth Parks and Gardens
Rehoboth Park and Gardens Phase 2 Extension (The Bridge Estate) is located at Ibeju-Lekki. Its neighbors are: Dangote Refinery, Lekki free trade zone, LA Campagne tropicana, Lagos State golf course, island international Airport etc. Contact John: 08132341126/081249

Real estate investing is not an exact science. You always have to weigh the risk against the potential reward and if you do decide to invest in overseas property it is wise to employ a local attorney to oversee the process. 

Then there is always the cool factor that shouldnt be overlooked when searching for hot investment real estate. For Instance, the location and serenity of an estate defines its coolness, take for instance this Beautifully designed  Capetown Estate at Shimawa. The very fact that it stands behind Redemption Camp brought it to lime light and investors are trooping in already. 


Where we are as at 4 weeks ago...: this estate is in its pre-construction state. It's worth your investment now as it stands. Contact me (08132341126, 08124975665 John) for more enquiries and discount offers. 

So dont overlook how cool and well structured an estate is. 

Keep both eyes on large corporation expansion plans. When corporations build, expand or even relocate the real estate market will boom simply because of demand for housing and small businesses. If a Wal-Mart is going to be built in a town, can a McDonalds be far behind? And all of those people who will be coming in to run Wal-Mart and all of the small businesses that it spawns will need housing. ~copied: Anonymous~

Yes! Business can cause real estate prices to go up and can create hot properties for investment purposes! 

Remember that old song that Willie Nelson recorded, You have to know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away and know when to run. Although the song was about gambling the advice is solid for investing in real estate. 

Choosing what properties to invest in should be made strictly upon solid facts. A building permit for a marina is solid proof that a marina is going to be built and that the adjacent property values are going to go up.

Your cousin telling you that he HEARD that a marina was going to be built is NOT a fact. Its hearsay and you shouldn't bet a lot on hearsay!  Investing in real estate is an excellent way to get a very high return but you really do need to know what you are doing to keep from losing your shirt.

Get up to 40% discount on every of the estates listed up here. 

For more Enquiries/Consultation/Investment purpose; Contact Me


Agboola John

Hi, I’m Agboola John, and I’m a huge fan of slang. I find it so fascinating how a few simple words can carry so much meaning, humor, or attitude. Slang isn’t just about keeping up with trends for me—it’s about understanding how people connect and express themselves in fun and creative ways. That’s why I started this blog. I enjoy breaking down slang words and phrases, digging into where they come from, and showing how you can use them in everyday conversations. Whether it’s new Gen Z slang or older terms that deserve a comeback, I’m here to make it easy to understand and even easier to use. When I’m not writing about slang, you’ll probably find me reading, laughing at funny memes, or thinking about the next phrase to explain. I’d love for you to join me on this fun journey as we explore slang together. If you have a favorite phrase or a word that puzzles you, feel free to reach out. Let’s make learning about language simple and fun!

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